Friday 14 October 2016

Northern India in the Himalayas of Bhagsu and Manali - The People You Meet

 Jadoo, my yoga philosophy teacher. My favorite part of the course, with thought provoking discussions and amazing insight. Jadoo wasn't afraid to admit his past life adventures, all the more insight from experience of someones who's been highly educated, to drug addict, to mediation bubba, to yoga and everything inbetween.

Pachamama open mic night, with poetry and lots of Napalese music

 By co-incidence Cyndal and I cross paths in India, find ourselves in one of the most beautiful places to camp atop the Himalayas. 

 Indian chilled cafe culture

 Mountain hiking with monks

 Cyndal and I find an isolated spot to do yoga in the mountains, as a goats-man herds his flock below 
 Himalayan camping

 Himalayan sunset

 Camping with a view

After so long in dusty loud and hot cities I was so happy to finally escape the the green mountains of serenity which does exist in India if you search for it
 Waking up to these guys atop the Himalayan ranges

 Mountain views, good chats, chai, and thali's

 Cafe's pop up anywhere in India with the help of these guys to cart the supplies

 I love some good book time

 Darmakot views

 When I first arrived to Dharamshala I went straight to the isolation and quiet way up in the hills. No cars, no crowds, just a beautiful view of the moonrise and peace and quiet.  Was a mission to cart my backpack up here but well worth it.

 Bhagsu and Darmakot views

 Chai stop with a view.  Creativity, friendliness, and unusual discussions can always be found as you find a perch on the floor in any Indian cafe... Sometimes best to avoid the conversations if you don't want to get stuck in discussion about spiritually enlightened encounters that involves acid.

 McGleod Ganj traffic mayhem, unlike the traffic free mountain paths of upper Bhagsu.  I would rarely venture down here but was best for good local food of momos and curries

 Absolutely freezing to swim here, but I couldn't resist jumping in these crystal waters to moisten the scales that were ocean deprived. 

 Hiking views, upper upper upper Bhagsu

 McCleod Ganj views

 Buva, constantly in this position rolling hash beadies and always smiling 

 Yoga crew, one month of 10hour days to become teachers but to learn of so much more

 All the yoga definitely helped with the constant floor seating of these wonderful cafes

 Learning to make parathas, chapatis and nanns

 Womens circle with some pachamama energies

 Beautiful womens energy on a new moon

 Natalie, a beautiful Chilean senorita with amazing womenly energies. Some amazing chats and beautiful connection we found in each other
 Rose, the bubbly girl from France on her yoga journey, great Vinyasa teacher

 Womens circle in my lovely room in the trees

 Free time making dreadlocks

 Tashi, Napalese friend drinnking chai smoking hash on a usual days work

 Always plenty of music around

 Some of the crew I hung out with- Pawan, nepalese musician and cafe owner, Himalaya- from Tibet, amazing musician, poet, my reiki master and extremely interesting guy, tashi- great guy, musician and cafe owner

 Photography lessons with Donnie

 Chai dates with Cyndal

 Bhagsu town

 Bhagsu town, pick whatever course you want to learn oh so much to do and a whole lot of wonderful nothing to do

 Bhasgu greenery

 The paths from Bhagsu to Daramkot, smoke break as things can't happen too quickly here

 Bhagsu views

 Local cricket grounds, just don't hit the ball too hard down the mountain

 Bhagsu streets


chill time with some Manali Creme
 My regular hangout spot for delicious salads

 Manali streets


 Manali mountain views

 Cyndal and I found this gem in the Manali town, $1.50 each/night got to love India!

 Local rug making

 Chai and Thukpa shop

Cyndal and I often found ourselves wanting to do the some things